Omegastrap 1″ Ratchet Strap Review
Omegastrap 1″ Ratchet Strap
Omegastrap 1" Ratchet Strap
Model number: 1" Medium-Duty
Weight: 600 lbs (working load)
Specifications & Features | Omegastrap 1 in.
- Quantity: 4 Pack
- Size: 1 in x 15 ft (adjustable)
- Working Load: 607 lbs
- Break Strength: 1,800 lbs
- Patented Control Knob
- Patented Flex-Hook
- Elastic “Tail Loop”
Patented Control Knob
The patented control knob is a unique design feature meant to help eliminate straps getting jammed in the ratchet. How does it work? Simply put, the knob allows you to manually rotate and align the loading slot. It prevent you from having to fully lock open the latch and then jerk the strap to get the tension to release. Instead, you can use the knob to gently release the tension and avoid damage to your cargo, or worse, injury to yourself or others. The knob rotation action was smooth without tension (on initial tightening) as well as with tension (on releasing load). The only issue I ran into was making sure the knob faced away from my trailer frame when I tightened the strap so I had enough clearance to get my hand in and actually turn the knob. Once I made sure to do that it worked like a charm.
Patented Flex-Hook
The flexible hook is a versatile addition that increases the overall ease of loading without repeated trips around the cargo to reset a falling hook. That has always been one of the most annoying parts of using ratchet straps, especially on our larger (24 ft goosenecked) trailer. You set the hook on the far side of the trailer and then either climb over the load while keeping tension or secure the hook so you can release tension and it will stay in place. It is often easier said than done… The patented Flex-Hook allows you to keep the strap hook in place even without constant tension on the strap while you secure the other end. I found that the design was good but there wasn’t always a great surface to attach the flex-hook to. In those cases the flex hook only got in the way but luckily this was the exception, not the rule. Overall the design worked decently well and was a nice addition to the Omegastrap.
Elastic “Tail Loop”
Another common complaint about ratchet straps, especially then you are using them to secure a smaller load or a load on a smaller trailer, is the tying off of the excess strap material. We call this tying off the tail. If you don’t securely tie off the tail it an lead to 2 major issues. First, the loose tail will flap in the wind causing rapid fraying and a shorter life for the strap overall. Second, and more dangerously, it can get wrapped around the axle of the trailer and cause damage. The Omegastrap has a “tail loop” made of a simple elastic loop knotted into the strap buckle body. This allows you to easily wrap and band together the excess tail material.
The Omegastrap directions say to wrap the tail around the control knob but this was not my preference. The knob was a bit small (and not protruding enough) to easily wrap the tail around. The tail also tended to want to slide off the side of the knob, even when secured with the tail loop. But when I bunched up the tail and wrapped the tail loop around the bunch of excess tail, it worked just fine and was a much faster process. This proved to be a good solution and made me appreciate the tail loop quite a bit in the end. Storage of excess tie-down strap tail is more convenient with the attached loop.
As a bonus the tail loop also makes for easy and clean storage of the Omegastrap in-between uses.
Overall Thoughts | Omegastrap 1 in.
Overall I liked the Omegastrap 1″ Ratchet Strap. They had some cool features that made them practical and a little bit more user friendly. But admittedly I never struggled that much with standard ratchet straps. My biggest issue has been making them last as long as possible. The Omegastrap doesn’t seem any more durable then other 1 inch ratchet straps I have used before. So at Omegastrap’s introductory price of $40 / set of 4, I have a hard time justifying the additional cost. Again, this is not a knock on the design of the Omegastrap, just an opinion on the overall return on investment vs. a standard ratchet strap. Will I use the straps I now have? Absolutely and happily. If someone is wiling to spend a few extra dollars for convenience on a medium-duty ratchet strap then they should absolutely consider the 1 in Omegastrap!
Omegastrap Omegastrap 1" Ratchet Strap
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