Makita 18V X-LOCK Angle Grinder Review
Makita X-LOCK Grinder – Model XAG25Z
Makita XAG25Z 18v XLock Grinder

X-Lock Accessory Compatibility
Some selected accessories are backward compatible and work with a standard 7/8″ arbor angle grinder. If you use a corded grinder, just add the X-Lock wheels to your standard arbor and you’re good to go. Unfortunately, you can not use standard arbored wheels on the X-Lock grinder.
Available Models
Makita has released three separate angle grinders all with the X-Lock technology.
- XAG26Z – 18V 4-1/2″ – 5″ Paddle Switch X-Lock
- XAG25Z – 18V 4-1/2″ – 5″ X-Lock
- GA4570 – 4-1/2″ Corded
What is X-Lock?
X-LOCK Angle Grinders feature a unique accessory quick-change system that speeds up wheel/disc changes up to 5 times faster than conventional interfaces. Without having to use a spanner wrench or flange nuts, the wheel is securely fastened or easily removed. Pull the lever and pop the wheel on or the wheel comes off. Spend less time searching for a tool to remove the wheel and more time concentrating on cutting, grinding, or prepping.
Available Discs
- Diamond Blades
- Grinding Wheels
- Cutt-Off Wheels
- Flap Discs
- Wire Brushes / Wheels
XAG25Z On the Job Site
We have been using the Makita X-Lock grinder on 2 bathroom remodeling projects. Using the 4-1/2″ diamond blade that Makita send over we cut out numerous notches in porcelain tile. The Makita XAG25Z 18v grinder had plenty of power when making these cuts. Whether we were notching out for baseboard heating pipes or toilet flanges this grinder got the job done!
When using the XAG25Z, the vibration was not an issue. In comparison to the standard switch, the paddle switch is a nice feature that is easy to use. It’s a more secure method of operation.
You have complete control of the grinder and do not need to adjust your hands to turn it off. The grinder’s guard is easily rotated, and a handle can be screwed in on either side for lefties or righties.
Additionally, we have been using the Makita XAG25Z coping crown moldings. Using the 4-1/2″ sanding disc that Makita provided we coped our crown molding with ease. A cope is a much better joint than mitering because you can pressure fit a coped joint and it doesn’t open up in seasonal changes like a miter tends to. We grind out the majority of the wood at a back angle and clean anything left with either the coping saw or round file for a perfect fit.
Overall Impressions
Makita continues to release new and innovative tools that continue to make our lives better. With the release of the X-Lock grinder, we can spend more time working on the task at hand versus changing out the grinding discs. What might seem like a matter of minutes to most, multiply that by several times a day or even a week and you are eventually consuming maybe a half-hour? That’s a half-hour less on the project and that equals money. In our opinion, if you are using the Makita 18v platform and use a grinder, then this is definitely a tool worth purchasing!
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