Senco JoistPro Metal Connector Nailer
Senco® Introduces JoistPro™ 150 and 250 Metal Connector Nailer
Building a home or adding onto a home requires that today’s builder to use alot of metal connectors.
New building codes require us to build and brace our structures  for hurricane force wind, lateral movement and uplift.  These stricter building codes have led the building industry to adopt better and stronger ways of building houses.
Metal connectors, whether it is in the form of a seismic tie, Â hurricane rafter tie, joist hanger, or stud plate tie are used to reinforce weaker connections on the building. Â Â The problem with all these metal fasteners is that it takes a ton of time to install them. Â
Using a metal connector nailer speeds up your productivity and allows you to easily drive fasteners with pinpoint accuracy and speed.
Senco recently released their JoistPro metal connector nailer that is touted to be both  durable and lightweight.   Two models are available: the JoistPro 150, a dedicated 1-1/2” tool, and the JoistPro 250 for nails up to 2-1/2” long.
JoistPro 150
The JoistPro 150  is made for getting into tight quarters.  Art 10.4″ tall and weighs 4.6 pounds.  It fires a single strip of 1-1/2″ paper tape collated nails ranging from .131″ to .148″ in diameter. The tool nose exposes each nail tip for exact placement into the metal connector holes. A dry-fire lockout prevents blank driving.  It alsdo features a  360Ëš adjustable exhaust that directs btool exhause away from the operator.
The Senco JoistPro Metal Connector Nailer will retail for approximately  $219
JoistPro 250
The JoistPro 250has a larger nail capacity and is a more powerful nailer .  The JoistPro 250 fires a single strip of 1-1/2″ to 2-1/2″ paper tape collated nails ranging from .131 to .162 in diameter.
The Senco JoistPro Metal Connector Nailer will retail for approximately $299
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